Davidsbündlertänze op.6 
composed 1834-1836 - dedicated to Walther von Goethe from Florestan und Eusebius 

Lebhaft - Innig - Mit Humor - 
Ungeduldig - Einfach - Sehr rasch - 
Nicht schnell - Frisch - Lebhaft
Balladenmäßig. Sehr rasch - Einfach - Mit Humor - Wild und lustig - 
Zart und Singend - Frisch -
Mit gutem Humor - 
Wie aus der Ferne - Nicht schnell

In each and every era
joy and sorrow are bound.
Remain pious in joy and greet
sorrow with courage  Old Proverb. Motto of the Davidsbündlertänze, op.6

The Davidsbündlertänze, op. 6, “differ from Carnaval greatly, as faces differ from masks,” wrote Schumann to Clara from Vienna in 1838. “Though I may misjudge, as I have not been able to distance myself from them. One thing I do know, that they were produced with joy, whereas the others often caused toil and anguish.” At the beginning of the work he quoted Clara Wieck’s Marzurka, op. 6, no. 5. Afterwards followed two books of nine dances each. Schumann termed them, “Dances of death, St. Vitus’ dances, dances of the Graces, goblin’s dances, etc.” In the first edition he wrote either Eusebius or Florestan under each of the respective dances.


Translation: William Melton
© Franz Vorraber